June 14, 2019 at 07:00 PM
The Raspberry Pi is a powerful, yet portable, computer that is compatible with many hardware modules, making it a desirable Internet of Things (IoT) device. Pair it with the Go programming language and you have powerful applications built specifically for the ARM architecture which the Raspberry Pi operates.
HERE XYZ is a cloud-based data management service for location data, making it a powerful tool when combined with many IoT projects.
In this session we'll explore how to collect GPS data with a Raspberry Pi and Golang, then display it in real-time as the data is collected, on an interactive map using HERE XYZ.
May 17, 2019 at 07:00 PM
In this presentation, we'll cover an introduction the Vue and it's surrounding ecosystem. This will include Vuex, the official Flux-inspired datastore for Vue, Vue's routing support, Vue CLI, and more! We'll be diving into how Vue functions, how it differs from other frameworks, and the similarities as well.
April 12, 2019 at 07:00 PM
Learn how to use node-based effects and adaptive features in Unity's Visual Effect Graph to create beautiful VFX in real-time. Plus, hear some of the latest Unity news and updates announced at the 2019 Game Developers Conference.
Unity is the creator of the world’s most widely used real-time 3D (RT3D) development platform, giving developers around the world the tools to create rich, interactive 2D, 3D, VR and AR experiences.
March 15, 2019 at 07:00 PM
More than an epic frat from the 80’s, today we have AWS Lambda, which is taking running code without servers to the next level. In this talk Chris will go over the different ways to write NodeJS applications that will run on the AWS Lambda serverless framework, including developing locally with debugging tools, deploying to the cloud, and exploring the Lambda console.
February 08, 2019 at 06:00 PM
In this session we'll be reviewing the types of two-factor authentication that can be implemented by the developer and why it is an easy solution towards protecting your users online. Highlights will include implementing 2FA with JavaScript that makes use of the Google Authenticator application or similar, as well as hardware based 2FA that makes use of YubiKey devices or similar.
January 18, 2019 at 06:00 PM
Ever want to develop applications for your Amazon Alexa virtual assistant? Maybe you're looking for a feature or functionality that doesn't already exist on your virtual assistant. We're going to take a look at developing and publishing Skills, which are the applications that power Alexa, using Golang and AWS Lambda.
December 14, 2018 at 06:00 PM
With 2018 coming to an end, it makes sense to have a holiday mixer (family friendly) with the group to bring the year to a close.
There will be food so please RSVP if you're coming so that way we can order the appropriate amount. Bring your spouses and children as well since this is a family friendly event.
We're trialing a new location this time around at the Northgate Village in Tracy. The space is larger and will be our new location for future meetings.
October 13, 2018 at 07:00 PM
Ever tried to launch a website of blog with WordPress or Drupal but found that it was experiencing poor performance or was becoming increasingly expensive to operate? Dynamic content, or content that is rendered based on database or HTTP requests, can become more costly to operate as demand increases or slower as features are added. We're going to look at static site generators such as Hugo which allows you to pre-compile, in a sense, your website or blog using a familiar syntax such as Markdown, so that way it is blazing fast, cheap, and has no dependence on a database. The speaker's blog, www.thepolyglotdeveloper.com, is an example of what you can accomplish with Hugo.